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Pastor Jess Writes:

Hello Beloved!

It is so good to be back with you all this month. I want to give a HUGE thank you to Patti as she filled in for me these past 2 months. I am so incredibly grateful for her leadership during this time. I also want to give a BIG thank you Amy and Kyla for all the extra help around the church while I was away. My time away bringing Charlie into this world and watching him grow over the last 2 months has been a time I will cherish all my life. We really have been participating in a miracle here at our house and we can’t wait to introduce him to you all when we get back.

As we enter the Easter season and spring at the church, we will kick off April with a conference wide camp celebration Sunday. Throughout the conference on this day, we will celebrate camp and the places we meet Jesus.

April 14th we will remember that we are purified with the hope and love of Christ because we are children of God! We will also be celebrating Charles’s baptism that day.

April 21 kicks off our next 6 weeks sermon series where we will dive into the Lord’s Prayer. Together we will look at the meaning and the power of the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray.

Make sure also to check out the rest of the newsletter so you can mark your calendars for all the other events and activities that are either starting back up such as Table Talk or one-time events such as the Potato Bar Fundraiser.

May this April you see the beauty of God all around you. May you find ways to grow stronger in grace and love with God, with self, and with others around you!




Jessica (Jess) Jacobsen



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